Participant Selection Phase

We dive into the heart of the contest with the selection phase.

In this phase, the challenge is to make a Focaccia

The video should be structured as follows:

- in the beginning, a brief introduction of yourselves

- in the second part of the video, explanation of the dough, whether it is a direct or indirect mix, the characteristics of the flour used, dough management (at room temperature or controlled temperature)

- in the third part of the video, you must show the making of the product. It should be a section without cuts, from the rolling out to the baking in the oven, showing the final result at the end.

Make a detail on the top and bottom of the baked focaccia, in order to assess its baking.

Good luck to everyone, put your best effort in.

This is the first step to being one of the official contestants of the Spice Pizza Chef Contest.

Best regards - Angelo Caruso

Here are the participants' videos

Pietro Rossi

Giovanni Romano

Peppe Fiore

Goran Arsov

Alejandro Pintamalli

Roberto Faccia

Massimino D'Andrea

Steno Berdini

Rocco Cingolani

Alessandro Ciro Aristide Canale

Cosimo Sternativo

Szczech Pierre-François

Lou Poniz

Nicolas Iachini

Salvatore Soldatini

Tamara Cusin

Pasquale Sbreglia

Maurizio Sgrigna

Andrea Nasi

Sandro Dal Zovo


#Purpose of the Contest

Creation of a focaccia - baking in a Spice Diavola Pro oven

1- Make a video of your focaccia (presentation of the competitor in the contest, explanation of the dough, rolling out and baking in the oven).

2- Publish the video on YouTube on your own channel (Here's a Google guide on how to upload a video to YT)

3- Share the YouTube video by commenting on the "Spice Pizza Chef" group post https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=122139472970218080&id=61556542408983&rdid=PUF4rMg3pvjFgTYr

#Duration of the Selection Phase

The video must be published by May 10, 2024, at 23:59

Only videos published within this closing date will be considered.

#Participant Selection

The videos will be evaluated by Brand Ambassador Angelo Caruso, who will announce in the post "Facebook Group" the names of the participants who will officially enter the contest.

All those who pass the selection phase will receive an email asking for their postal address to receive a customized uniform and a Kit of assorted Flour from the farm Agricola GEMMA (Azienda Agricola GEMMA)

All communications to participants will be made via email from the address spicecontest@spice-electronics.com

For all information not present in this post, refer to General Regulations.

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