Spice contest #2: informative video about the Diavola Pro

Spice Contest #2 (Diavola Pro)

Spice Electronics is pleased to announce a new Contest for all pizza lovers and enthusiasts!

Make an informative video on the brand new Diavola Pro pizza oven!

A welcome and very useful prize is foreseen for the Winner... Here are all the details

Object of the contest

Create an informative video that illustrates the structure, details and functionality of the Diavola Pro pizza oven.

The goal is to obtain a video that shows in a complete and detailed way the operation, the internal and external operating temperatures... this is to show all those who have not received it yet how it is really made in all the its parts.

  • Making a video that can start from the unboxing (opening the package) and that gives a detailed overview of the measurements, technical and functional details of the product.
  • It is NOT mandatory that it concerns the making of the pizza (but it is always welcome)... there will be other #contests about it :)
  • Publish the video on Youtube in your channel (Here is a guide from Google on how to upload a video to YT)
  • Share the Video from YouTube in the Spice Caliente pizza oven group and DIavola official group

Duration of the contest

The contest is active from today until Sunday 15 January. There will be a prize up for grabs every week for the next 5 weeks.

Only videos posted before this closing date will be taken into consideration.

How to vote

You vote by leaving a LIKE to the video shared within the Group

It is possible to give preference to multiple videos; it is possible to invite people outside the group to rate the videos

Prizes up for grabs

The author of the video that has received the most LIKES will win:

A 35cm round pizza shovel (81cm with handle) ideal for use with Diavola Pro (here the link to the product)

Winner declaration

A winner will be announced every week for 5 weeks.

The winner will be declared based on the highest number of LIKES that the video will receive

Every Sunday morning at 9.00 the votes will be counted (LIKE) and announced on the facebook group

How to participate


In order to participate in the contest, you must have an izza Diavola Pro oven. Videos made with any other pizza oven other than the one indicated will not be accepted.

The video must be at least 90 seconds long and must include a detailed overview of features / accessories / temperatures / unboxing.

The video created must be published on YouTube (before being shared on the Facebook Group) and must have the hashtag #spicediavolapro at the beginning of the title (e.g. #spicediavolapro Unboxing of the pizza oven, or #spicediavolapro details and functions of the pizza oven. ..etc)

Send an email to spicecontest@spice-electronics.com with the subject "Spice pizza contest";

Indicate in the content of the email the Video Link and the address to receive the prize.

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